Take-A-Lesson with Altruistic Leadership on BlogTalkRadio is gearing up for a great season of in-depth conversations with today's diverse leaders.
We uncover hidden mentors in corporations, education, private and public industry willing to share their journey with you. These are successful people-of-color leaders (African American, Hispanic, and Asian-Pacific Islanders) that will share with you their tips, techniques, opinions, and oppositions they faced during their career journey. These leaders experience transcend race, gender, & title; rather, because of the road they’ve traveled they understand how the trappings of life at the top can thwart one’s success in life and business. It’s important that we take their lessons and use them particularly during this time.
Tune in to forty-five minutes of candid conversation designed to inspire, equip, and challenge you to take ownership of your future during these tough economic times. Questions may be sent in advance to allow the leaders a more thoughtful response. This is your opportunity to Take-A-Lesson with Altruistic Leaders.